Steve “The Fly’n Hawaiian” Gardner’s Lake Trout/Arctic Char Seared Sashimi

Harold Written by 

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Steve “The Fly’n Hawaiian” Gardner’s Lake Trout/Arctic Char Seared Sashimi Featured

Living in Hawaii for over 50 years now, I’m quite familiar with a variety of raw and nearly-raw preparations for fish.

These Asian and Pacific Island recipes translate nicely with both lakers and char.

You’ll Need

• A good frying pan that can handle some heat.

• Cooking oil. Olive or avocado oil is the best, but canola is just fine.

• Furikake (Japanese seasoned dried seaweed which is available in any Asian food section) My favorite for this application is sesame Katsuo - mirin flavor.

• Soy sauce and wasabi for dipping.

• Grated fresh ginger if you happen to have some handy, but no worries if you don’t.


In Hawaii, we nearly always let freshly caught ahi tuna loins rest for 24-36 hours before using for sashimi (if over 25 lb fish).

Just like with meat, a bit of aging is necessary to have a tender, not overly chewy, slice of sashimi. It took me nearly 30 years to realize I could greatly improve the quality of my Northern Sashimi if I simply let the filet rest overnight.

Keep the best portions of the top loins of either trout or char, trimmed to “ sashimi blocks”: 1” to 2” square, and usually about 6” to 12” in length.

Put them in a Ziplock bag, pop them in the refrigerator, and let them get well chilled overnight.

Planning on taking them the next day for shore lunch? Not a problem; Pack ‘um in your cooler with ice, and you are all set.


• Rub the loins with a bit of oil.

• Pour some furikake on a plate or sheet of waxed paper, tinfoil, or plastic wrap.

• Roll the sashimi blocks in the furikake until well coated.

• Get your frying pan hot - not smoking - but hot.

• Add a little oil to keep the fish from sticking.

• Sear the blocks very briefly, on all four sides, depending on how rare you like it. Sometimes, I enjoy coating only one or two sides of the sashimi block with furikake, and likewise, only searing that one, or two sides, leaving the other sides completely raw.

• Place the seared sashimi blocks on a cutting board, and do your best to not make a mess of it while slicing! A couple clean, swift strokes with a good, sharp filet knife should do the trick.

• Serve with a dipping sauce of soy mixed with wasabi…grated fresh ginger added in is a bonus.




GBLO Notes

During a shore lunch Steve was kind enough to share some lake trout with me that he had prepared in this way, and while I’m not normally a sashimi kind of guy, it was over the top delicious.

I suspect that the overall quality of this dish not only had a lot to do with how it was processed and prepared, but also because he was using trout from Great Bear Lake, which by definition, arguably qualifies as sashimi/sushi grade fish, with Tree River Char falling into the same category.

Last modified onSunday, 12 May 2024 21:05
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