Paul Reynolds’ – “Rainy Day” Baker
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This recipe comes courtesy of legendary Great Bear Lake guide Paul Reynolds, who was fond of saying:
“Don’t let a little thing like rain stop you from having shore lunch.”
While attempting to fry up some fish and potatoes in hot oil is a very bad idea on a rainy day, this dish can be prepared even under the most soggy conditions.
In fact, if it is raining when you make this dish, Paul suggests using a bit of gasoline to start your fire.
- 2 Lake Trout fillets taken from a 4 to 5 pound fish.
- Heavy – duty aluminum foil*
- 2 large potatoes peeled and thinly sliced.
- 398 ml (14oz.) can diced or stewed tomatoes, with juices.
- Season salt, pepper and garlic powder.
- 1 medium onion, sliced.
- 2 “long” squirts of lemon juice from a “plastic” lemon.
Make an aluminum pouch big enough to hold your fillets.
Add potatoes, spices, tomatoes, sliced onion and lemon juice.
Seal pouch and make a small hole in the top for the steam to escape.
Cook until foil puffs up.
So why call it a “Rainy Day” baker?
Because the pouch acts a shield, thereby keeping the rain from putting out your fire.
*Note: If you don’t have heavy – duty and have to use regular aluminum foil, double up the layers when making your pouch.