Conehead Guinea Bugger
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- Published in Fly Fishing the Bear
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This a great early season Char fly from the fly tying bench of Josh "Jelly" Gelinas.
- Hook: Size 4-2 Streamer 2XL
- Thread: Black 8/0 Uni
- Bead: Gold Tungsten Conehead
- Body: Black Peacock Chenille
- Tail: White Marabou
- Hackle: Guinea Fowl (longest feathers possible) (Schlappen is a good substitute)
- Legs: Any rubber legs
This is a go to pattern in the spring, and any fresh Char are suckers for flies like these.
Can be tied with brighter colours for a more intrusive approach but typically I find myself using white or black.
After July though, this flies success rate plummets hard.